Wednesday, November 19, 2008


When we go to my sister's in Ohio, we sleep in her guest room with AK in a pack n play to the side of the bed. AK LOVES this, T and I do not.

We are very aware that each movement we make may wake the little one. So when we go to readjust or roll over, we do so very, very quietly... Which wakes us up quite a bit, but if we are successful, AK doesn't stir.

On this last trip, AK learned something new. She learned this at 3 am our first night and practiced it every night following for the whole week.

She learned that if she very sweetly says... "mommy... snuggle...?" That mommy will do exactly that, at 3 am or every hour thereafter...

Mommy was very, very, tired... :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My dog sitting drama...

This is a copy of an email I sent to my cousin Julie in February of 2006. Me, my dog, my 5 cats, and my bird, lived with her, and her dog (Bogey) for about 4 months or so before I moved to Tennessee. I don't know why it just popped into my head, but it did, and I thought I'd put it on here to share...

Hey Julie! So, I have a story for you…

I’m watching Judy’s dogs for her for a couple of days. She’s got two Labs. A gold one, and a chocolate one. The gold one, Amber, I’ve watched before, she’s very gentle, she’s Tasha’s age. You might remember meeting her. Sooooo sweet. And gets along with the cats for the most part. The chocolate one, Molly, is three years old, still a puppy, moves quickly, y’know – all the things that freak cats out. Puppies, quick movements, etc….

So, I think I have the house pretty much “baby-proofed” – shoes off the floor – knic knacs above shoulder level – cats are confined to one room with the baby gate up. Cool. I’m pretty proud of myself…

When Judy gets here, I shut the door to the cat’s room, so they don’t accidentally pop out and get surprised by crazy dog Molly. After the dogs have been in the house for about a half hour and are starting to calm down, I open the door to the cat’s room – still divided by the baby gate – to let them know, hey… this is why you’re locked in here. See the dogs?!!! Right.

Move forward about a half hour… I let the dogs out in the back yard. I go out with them and play a little, smoke a cigarette… chill. I come back in, the dogs come back in… I see Millie on my bed, on the other side of the house from their “safe” room. Me, not even f*&%$ing thinking… I go and grab Millie to put her back in her room…

I get about half way across the house, when Molly spots Millie in my arms.

Millie starts just a hissin’, Molly starts a barking, Lynx rushes out of the room to save the f&*%$ing day. Because that’s what Lynx does, because she’s freaking Underdog… I grab Molly by the rough of her neck and make her sit still and shut up, I have Millie in my other hand, holding her like a football. A very furry, hissing, PEEING down my side, f*&%ing football. Then I notice Molly is ultra silent, and I notice Lynx. She’s big as a house, fur sticking out everywhere, tail fluffed out to 3x it’s width. She has her claw stuck in Molly’s a$$…

Poor Molly. Her face is just soooo sad. She’s defeated, “Ok Miss Natalie, I’m sitting still, and I’m being good, but what’s that sticking in my a$$?” Lynx’ eyes are as big as saucers. She wants me to help her get her paw un-stuck from this monster’s a$$. I still have a hissing, growling, peeing cat in my other hand. I let go of Molly, hoping like hell she doesn’t turn around to see why her a$$ hurts so much. I throw Millie over the baby gate, into her room. I come back, kneel down, hugging Molly and pushing Lynx back, back, back, UN-stuck. Whew…

I had to share this one with you, who knows how many times this happened to Bogey while we were at work… huh?

Hope this made you smile. I love you! Take care and I’ll talk to you later.


My kitten Lynx...

My kitten Lynx is 15 years old. Sweet old cat. I got her after I had been in Florida for about 3 years. The first year I had her she wouldn't even let us pet her. She had been living on a farm and was surround by big dogs. So she was very skittish. But we were patient. And lo and behold, on one of my father's visits, she sweetly crawled up onto the couch and into my father's lap. My brother and I saw this and our jaws dropped. My dad wasn't much of an animal lover, and she had chosen this moment to come out of her shell...? We were shocked. But, from that moment on, she decided that we were hers and we became her family. I got my dog Tasha a few months after I got Lynx. So both of these animals have been with me through everything.

When my daughter came along, I knew it would be a rough transition. But we've made it, and the animals have learned to tolerate this newest little addition. I say all of this, because I feel I needed to explain why this made my heart melt soooo much...

Poor, sweet old cat!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Okay S and A - Here goes... A little about our last road trip...

So, my friends have started blogging and I enjoy reading theirs so much that I just had to jump in. So here goes nothing!

My sweet little angel - AK - turns 2 in February... really? Two years old? Everyone warned me... enjoy every moment, it will go by so fast. And so here we are, in the blink of an eye, almost 2 years later. Can I say how my heart swells just to think about her without sounding so very sappy? Anyway, there it is... I'm so in love with this little angel.

Having said that, let me tell you about our last road trip. 17 hours in a car with a 2 year old. I was prepared. I armed myself with dvd's out the yin yang because I didn't want my husband - T - or myself to be driven crazy with the repitition of the already worn out dvd's already in our possession. So this kid has a freakin' library of movies, shows, etc. to watch. Well, AK discovered Winnie the Pooh. We have watched The Story of the Hundred Acre Wood toooooo many times to count. I know all of the songs, "The wonderful thing about Tiggers, are Tiggers are wonderful things...", "Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood, where Christopher Robin plays...", they run through my head over and over and over again. I've been home for 4 days, it's still in my head.

We tried everything, "Honey, wouldn't you like to see what Pablo and Tyrone are up to...?" And sometimes we were met with an "Okay". So we'd sigh, give each other a wink, and begin to roll the next dvd, when she'd start chanting, "Pooh Bear, Pooh Bear, Pooh Bear".

Yes, I love my little angel, wouldn't trade this for the world, but for the love of God, when will she move on...?